Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Digital Photo I : Photoshop CS6 Lesson 2

Digital Photo I:

Today, you will complete an assignment on your own from what you learned about selections and color/contrast change yesterday.  Follow the steps below:

1.)  Open Photoshop CS6.

2.)  Click File> Open and go to the Student Shared Folder>Student_Shared>Digital Photo I Baron

3.)  Click on the Lesson 2 folder and open both files, beach and shell.

4.)  Start with the shell file and use any selection tools that we worked with yesterday to select just the shell.

5.)  The shell selection should be clean and right on the edge of the shell and the blue background.

6.)  Use the arrow tool and click on the shell and drag your shell up to the beach file tab.

7.)  Once your shell is dropped into your beach file, you can move the shell to a desired spot.

8.)  Use the Transform option to resize the shell to match the scale of the beach scene.

9.)  Change the color and brightness/contrast of the shell by going up to the the Image tab and doing to Adjustments> Hue and Saturation  and Brightness and Contrast options.

10.)  Once you are done, save this file in the Lesson 2 folder as YOUR FIRST NAME.

This assignment is worth 20 pts.

Any questions, ask Ms. Baron.

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