Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Digital Photo I: Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Make a well blended digital photo collage (1×8 or 8×12) to show where you see yourself in 10 years. Under your collage, write a paragraph reflection explaining the elements you put in your work.  What did you include and why?

- You must include at least 5 or more photos in your collage.

- You are welcome to mix photos from online and photos you took yourself. 

- Think about your future plans or goals.

These collages are due Thursday 4/28 by the end of class.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Digital Photo I & II: Food Photography

Go online and look at good samples of food photography. Post 2 to 3 photos today of food that you really enjoy looking at and write a paragraph reflection about why you think the lighting and composition is so strong that the photo makes you crave the food. Explain how you think the lighting was achieved. How did the photographer arrange the photo in a successful or interesting way?

Read these online articles on how to photograph food and write 8 complete sentences on your blog on what you learned.


-Then, pretend you are a studio food photographer and photograph food using natural light. Take a few photos with varying compositions and post your favorite one or two edited photos to your blog writing assignments from above. Final photos are due Friday Aprill 22nd.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Weekend Work #11: Time

One of the absolute best ways to improve your photography is to practice!

Doing is the best way to see results. In order to help you practice your photography, I will be posting a different assignment each Friday here on this blog for you to complete over the weekend. Be sure to post your shots on your blog before Monday so everyone can enjoy the results of these assignments when we are back in class, period 1. Make sure to title your post "Weekend Work #11". Each Weekend Work assignment is worth 5 points in the practice work category.

This weekend's assignment is:  ...TIME.
Time is measured in several ways, but some people view the importance of time differently.  Is time what you see on the clock?  Is time your life experiences? Show 2 photos you have captured that express time in some way.  Due Monday 18th at the end of class.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Digital Photo I & II: Autism Awareness Month Poster and Questions

April is Autism Awareness Month. Autism is one of the fastest-growing developmental disorders in the United States--about 1 in 68 children have been identified according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Autism support and services costs a family $60,000 a year on average.
Take a look at the Autism Society website here, and answer the following questions:
1.)  What causes Autism?
2.)  How many Americans live with an Autism spectrum disorder?
3.)  At what age can the symptoms of Autism be observed?
4.)  Do you think it is important to promote Autism awareness? Why or why not?
Now, design a poster in Photoshop that promotes Autism awareness.  Think about including some of the following:
  • Autism puzzle piece design
  • National Autism Awareness color or ribbon
  • The dangers of Autism ignorance (ignoring Autism)
  • Key words and/or facts from the Autism Society website
  • Quotes from people on the spectrum
  • Struggles/Difficulties for people with Autism
  • Support and Advocacy for those with Autism
Questions are due 4/5 Poster is due 4/8 at the end of class.

Some examples: