Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Digital Photo I & II: READ Poster


Digital Photo I & II: READ Poster.

Since 1985, the American Library Association (ALA) has tried to sell reading books as cool by showing celebrities reading their favorite books.   You’ve seen the posters around school and at nearly every library – the famous celebrity READ posters.


1.)  Research existing celebrity READ posters by searching "read poster" to gather some inspiration. Post 3 of your favorite posters to your blog and answer this question: "What are 3 things that make these posters appealing?" DUE TODAY 1/20

2.)  Select your subject!  You may choose yourself, friend, family member or a teacher here at Plainfield Central to base your poster on. You will need to interview your teacher on your own time.  Visit your chosen teacher after school or during their free time. and decide on your composition. Keep in mind that you’ll want to create a symbolic composite of images that convey the essence of your subject and their/your book as well as the overt message encouraging people to read. Make any necessary arrangements since you’ll need to shoot outside of class.

3.)  Make sure you include your/your subject's favorite book in the photo.  The background and any props and extra material should convey the basic plot or theme of the book.  These posters are meant to grab the viewers attention.  Think about the style of the book and how you can incorporate that in the font and overall design.  You should arrange, edit, and finalize all your work in Photoshop. The finished poster is due 1/29.

Extra Credit:

You are welcome to create an additional poster for a celebrity for extra credit.

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