Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Digital Photo I & II: Capturing Movement

Photographs, by definition, capture and immortalize a small slice of life. There is little for the viewer to infer what happens before or after that moment. However, there are images that need to communicate movement. For example, you may want to capture a dog running, a train barreling down the tracks, or trees that are blowing in the wind. Each of these scenes can come alive within your photographs if you learn how to convey motion properly.

Complete the work below and post to your blog by the end of class on Monday, November 16th.  You may include all parts of this assignment in one blog post or several.
  1. Take a look at this article about capturing action/motion photography and write a four sentence reflection about what you learned about motion photography techniques.
  2. Find 2 photos online, one showing action sharp and another showing motion blur. Post both images to your blog.
  3. Take photos outside that capture ACTION SHARP. Try to “capture the moment”. Take several photos, edit and post your favorite 2 shots.
  4. Take action photos inside trying to capture MOTION BLUR. Let blur create movement in your photos. Take several photos, edit and post your favorite 2 shots.

Action Sharp
Motion Blur

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